Secret Diary of a 6th Grade Superhero (Great Book for Girls 9-12) Read online



  Tony Iacovone

  Iacovone Publishing







  Dear Diary,

  My grandmother just bought me this diary so that I could keep track of all of the exciting things that are going to happen this year when I start middle school. I have my first day tomorrow, and I’m sure it’s going to be exciting.

  It will be even more exciting for me, because I’m different than all of the other girls at my school. I know that every girl has something that makes them special, something that they’re born with, but mine goes way out there—I have super powers!!

  I was born that way, just doing things differently than everyone else. My grandmother says that my father was that way too, but she’s my mother’s mother, so she wasn’t around when he was a kid. Both of my parents died in a car crash when I was very young, so I don’t remember them very well.

  Anyway, if I’m going to tell you about my super powers, I should start by telling you what they are. Well, I can move things with my mind, but that’s kind of hard because that it means I have to think, and I have enough to think about already. I can also read minds. And I have super speed, but I don’t go out for track because I’m pretty sure that’s considered cheating. I can turn invisible too, which is wonderful if I’m having a bad hair day or see someone that I don’t like in the hallways.

  On a good day, if I’ve had enough sleep and have plenty of energy, I can go through walls and fly. My grandmother says that’ll get a lot easier once I’m through puberty, and I won’t even have to think twice about it. She said I’ll probably have a lot more powers than what I have now, too, so I can’t wait to see what they are. That’ll probably make puberty worth it, because from what I’ve heard, it’s not going to be a ton of fun.

  Anyway, I have my first day of school tomorrow, and I have to do some chores before I go to bed, so I’ll stop writing here. Bye!


  Dear Diary,

  I never realized how long days could be! Even with super speed, I had a hard time getting to some of my classes on time. This was my first time at this school, since grandma and I moved this summer, and I can’t believe how big it is! I wasn’t nervous until the bus pulled up in front of it and I saw it for the first time.

  My old school was probably as big as the cafeteria of this one, and I couldn’t believe it. I think that once I get used to going around to all of the different classes during the day, it won’t be very hard, and a lot of the classes actually look like a lot of fun!

  There’s a swimming class during the summer, and I’ve heard one of the older kids saying that you basically just get to swim around the pool and do whatever you want after you do the ten minute lesson at the beginning at the class. My last class of the day is my favorite; it’s a kind of Home Ec class. The teacher’s pretty cool, and most of our assignments will be to learn to cook—mostly cookies, and good things like that. I’m looking forward to it.

  Other than the actual school part of it though, I’m not the biggest fan. I don’t have any friends at all! No one would really talk to me because, well, I don’t have any new clothes, and I’m a lot shorter than most of them. I don’t act like any of the people at this school, but I don’t know how to act—I’m not like them, after all.

  Oh well, maybe I’ll make friends later this week? I’m going to get a snack and go to bed. I’m exhausted!


  Dear Diary,

  So it’s only my third day of middle school and I’m already getting picked on. I haven’t really done anything wrong, I just tripped in the hallway, and had a hard time picking up my books. For it being the third day of school, the teachers are already giving us a lot of homework. I already have an assignment due for social studies! And my science teacher wants me to do a short essay on my favorite animal and the habitat that it lives in (I’m not really an animal person, by the way, so I have no idea what to do the essay on).

  In Home Ec, everyone has to bring in three recipes for their favorite foods and three recipes that they’ve made before. She wants us to do a little compare and contrast paper on how different what we’ve done and what we like are. This’ll be fun, hahaha…I really am enjoying all of my classes though.

  I’ve been eating lunch in the library alone though, and I almost got kicked out today. I found out that you’re not supposed to eat there, so tomorrow I have to go eat in the cafeteria. That isn’t going to be fun. I am super nervous… Hahaha, get it? Super nervous… Yes, I’m so worried that I’ve started to make puns.

  Why is it so hard to make friends when you’re the new girl? Even though I don’t have designer clothes, I’m still a fun person, and I’m nice to people. I’ve seen the way the popular girls talk to other girls, and it’s terrible! I try not to be biased because of my own experiences, and the popular girls have already left mean notes on my locker twice already. They even commented on my clothes, shoes, and hair, saying that everything I have is ugly. Luckily, I am not the only one that gets picked on. They are mean to a lot of other people too. The only people that I’ve seen them be nice to are each other. So how are they popular?


  Dear Diary,

  My first week of middle school is officially over! I just got off the bus now, and I am so happy to be able to take a little rest before I do my homework. This is going to be a great weekend. I kept my super hero identity a secret, and thanks to my super speed, I got to all of my classes on time. I found out using my mind reading powers that my grandma is going to take me to the mall this weekend and get me some new clothes which will be super fun! I might ask her for some makeup too, but do you think that’s too much?

  I have a lot of homework to do, so I should get it done before my grandma gets home from work, so that she’s impressed with me and won’t regret taking me to the mall later.


  Dear Diary,

  The mall was super fun! I got a lot of new clothes because my grandma got a bonus from work for never calling off in the past 3 years, and so I have an entire new wardrobe, two new purses, a bag full of makeup and nail polish, hair accessories, and a few pairs of shoes. She also took me to get my hair cut and get a manicure.

  It was a fun girls’ day out. She got her stuff done too. She wanted me to get my eyebrows done, but I watched her, and her eyebrows were all red afterward—that doesn’t seem like my kind of thing. We went out for dinner and a movie afterward, and it was really cool.

  I think that tomorrow, when I go back into school, it will be completely different. Maybe with my new look, I’ll be able to make some new friends, and people won’t make fun of me for the way I dress anymore. Maybe I’m just getting my hopes up.

  I’m tempted sometimes to read the minds of the people around me, but I don’t really know if I want to know what they’re thinking. I mean, what if it’s worse? Though, they might not even be thinking about me at all. I don’t give them much to think about. I’m not much of anyone—especially when I’m invisible.


  Dear Diary,

  Now I’ve done it. People are probably starting to suspect that I have super powers now. I finally managed to mak
e a friend, because she got lost in the hallway and asked me to help her find the way to a class. We were talking, and she even sat with me at lunch, but then one of the popular girls came up to us and said something about Charlotte (I think that’s her name, but she’s shy, and it was hard to hear her very well).

  I completely lost it. I can handle being picked on myself, but I can’t handle it when someone else is being picked on. I wasn’t trying to, but I started using my mind powers to make all of the things fall out of the popular girls’ hands. One thing after another came flying out of their purses, and scattered all the way down the hallway. It was lame, and mean of me. But I was angry, and they had no right to say such mean things to my friend.

  Now though, Charlotte won’t even look at me. And everyone else in the school can’t stop looking at me and whispering when I walk by. I think I might ask my grandma to transfer me to a different school.


  Dear Diary,

  Thank goodness that it’s the weekend.

  I couldn’t handle another day. This was killer. I got called to the principal’s office twice just because people are scared that I’m going to do something to hurt them. I didn’t have people talking to me before, but now no one will even go near me. The teachers even aren’t talking to me. They won’t call on me if I raise my hand, and they pretend like I’m not even there when they’re going down the line. The only teacher who isn’t like that is the Home Ec teacher who treats everyone fairly, no matter what.

  I’m tired of thinking about school. Yesterday, a tiny little kitten was under the step of my front porch! I took her inside and I’ve been taking care of her.

  You know, I never tried to before, but it’s a lot easier to read the minds of animals than it is people. I think it’s because I can’t understand their thoughts, or maybe they aren’t on the same wavelength or something?

  I don’t want to say they’re not as complex, because I’m sure that they are. But when I try to read this little kitten’s mind, all I get is emotions. At first, I could feel her fright. Then, I could tell when she was getting more comfortable, and I know when she’s hungry and everything. But the one thing that I always feel is love. And it is really, really nice to have her around.

  I think that I might ask my grandma to keep her. But, right now, I haven’t even told her that she’s in my room. I’ve been taking care of her on my own… it’s going okay though, I’m pretty sure that I’ve gotten it all taken care of.


  Dear Diary,

  So, I guess there was one thing that I forgot in taking care of the kitten—a litter box. That probably would have been a good idea, but I didn’t even consider it. Anyway, my grandma found out, and she’s actually happy!

  She says that I need someone to keep me company when she’s at work, and I can keep her as long as I take care of her, which I of course will. Can you imagine me taking in a sweet, innocent little kitten, and not taking care of it? I would never, ever do that.

  I have to go back to school tomorrow, and I really don’t want to. It’s going to be hard to deal with everything. You know, I’ve actually considered skipping school! But I don’t know where I’d go, and I know that it’s wrong. I just can’t think of any other way to deal with all of the people at school.

  Maybe the teachers will be better about it, and start to teach me fairly. I think they just want the other kids to like them, and that’s why they’ve been doing that. I don’t think that they would otherwise.


  Dear Diary,

  I think people are actually starting to like me!

  My powers were super helpful today. A girl passed out at lunch because she’s been sick and she wasn’t feeling well, and I was able to get to the nurse and back before anyone else could even get out of their seats. Everyone thanked me, and told me I saved her life. It was kind of nice to get out of the negative attention for a while, but I still don’t think that people trust me.

  I get a few dark glances here and there, but the whispers I hear don’t seem too secretive anymore either. It’s hard to tell exactly, but I’m trying to deal with it.

  Maybe I won’t have to switch schools after all. Maybe I’ll be able to make friends with my makeup and my new clothes and everything, once I don’t have people thinking that I’m crazy or dangerous. Even though I would never hurt anyone…


  Dear Diary,

  Middle school is a lot harder than elementary school was. Back then, I had homework once a week, maybe. Now, I have it every night, for every subject. I mean, most of the homework is pretty easy, just a quick worksheet, or “answer five questions” or something like that, but it piles up pretty quickly.

  And sometimes, you get projects that are worth like 50 points, and take a few weeks of work. It’s kind of crazy. Thankfully, the teachers work it out so that we never have more than one project at a time, and it’s all pretty easy. But I’m kind of on overload right now.

  Something amazing happened. For the first time in my life, I noticed a boy, like in that way. I think I have my very first crush. His name is John, and he’s a seventh grader. He’s kind of short, and he has blond, shaggy hair that hangs over his eyes. From what I know if him, he doesn’t really talk very much, but he’s really cute, and nice. For a few days, since I noticed him, I’ve been trying to keep an eye on him and get an idea of what kind of person he is.

  I’ve never seen him be mean to anyone, and he holds doors for people, which I take as a sign of general kindness. If you hold a door for someone, you can’t be that mean. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of the popular people hold a door for anyone. And that’s kind of ridiculous—maybe they don’t know how?

  Anyway, as I mentioned before, I have tons of homework to do. So I’d better get to it if I want any of my grandma’s brownies tonight. She bought ice cream so that we can have sundaes!


  Dear Diary,

  In Home Ec today, we had our first cooking workshop, and I got paired with a guy.

  Actually, I think that all of the girls were paired with guys. It’s nice, because he cut the meat for me, which is really gross, and all I had to do was measure and wash the dishes. I do the dishes for myself all the time and washing for one extra person was kind of nice. The guy was pretty cool too, his name was Shayne.

  We had to make chicken and cheesy potatoes. Ours wasn’t half bad, even though I’m not the biggest fan of potatoes.

  I found out that one of the big projects for Home Ec is for the sixth grade class to cook lunch for the eighth graders sometime after the first cooking workshop, once we’ve got the hang of it.

  As sixth graders, they don’t really expect us to do much. And they’ll give the eighth graders a real lunch afterward, plus they get out of a whole period, so they like it too.

  The teacher told us that we’ll be split into groups by class periods, so everyone that I have class with will be in my group. Then every group will have to do a different food. Like, some of us will have to chop fruit and put it into cups, other people will have to make chicken strips, and stuff like that. It sounds easy, and we get out of doing any actual work for classes like math.


  Dear Diary,

  I practically ran home from school to write this down. I’m so excited! I feel guilty that I was eavesdropping onto his thoughts, but I couldn’t help hearing something John thought about me.

  First of all, I didn’t even know that he knew I existed!

  Anyway, I ended up sitting close to him in the library, and I was trying to write some notes down about something… I can’t even remember what, because John made me forget.

  “There’s that chick with the superpowers. I wonder if it’s true. I wonder if she can read minds… It doesn’t matter, she’s pretty either way.” Okay, I might
be exaggerating a bit, but this is my diary, so I’m allowed to do that. And it was pretty close to that!

  But I couldn’t help looking at him and smiling. And he thought directly at me. He asked me if I could hear his thoughts, so I shook my head yes. And he smiled and said cool. We decided to meet at the library during lunch period on Monday.

  I’m going to go hop on YouTube and find some cool ways to do my hair, makeup, and nails so that I’ll look amazing when I go see him.


  Dear Diary,

  So, I’m incredibly nervous, and I can’t wait for tomorrow, but I have no idea what I’m going to do. What does he want to talk to me about?? What if I say something stupid???

  I don’t know how to talk to guys. I don’t even know how to talk to girls. I hardly even know how to talk to my kitten! (She’s doing well, by the way. She’s grown up a lot. I named her YoYo.)

  I’m not sure if I should tell my grandma about meeting John tomorrow or not. She might laugh at me, or think I’m stupid, or something. But she might have genius advice too. I have a cute outfit picked out, and it makes me look really nice. I don’t think I’m going to wear much makeup, just a little sparkly eye shadow and lip gloss (but I don’t wear much makeup to begin with, just a tiny bit of blush and cover-up usually).

  I can’t believe I read his mind. I can’t believe he was thinking about me. I can’t believe he knows who he am (though I guess having super powers helps that). I can’t believe that I agreed to meet him tomorrow. This will be… interesting?


  Dear Diary,